Do You Remember? Tips For Improving Memory

Memory: the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information.
Something remembered from the past; a recollection.

by Michael Corthell

Almost all of us aren't happy with our ability to remember, especially when we want to recall someone's name, a year we did something or a place we visited. How about trying to recall an address? or a telephone number? the time of a meeting etc? Even people who think they have an excellent memory, complain that they forget things.

Do you want a better memory? It's all about 'practice makes perfect' and staying interested.

''It is sadder to find the past again and find it inadequate to the present than it is to have it elude you and remain forever a harmonious conception of memory.''
— F. Scott Fitzgerald

A memory is like money in the bank, you can only withdraw it if you put it there. Your memory is probably just fine. You may just need to take the time to learn ways to imprint the events more clearly within your brain, so that you can recall them more easily.

Positive expectation. Pretend that you have a good memory. 'Fake it 'til you make it kind of thing. Faith and belief are very powerful forces. If you believe you can't remember, you won't.

Interest and importance: Remembering a particular event or detail depends on the interest we take in it and it's circumstance. Be the type of person who finds everything interesting.

Pay attention! To remember anything, pay close attention, focus fully on what is going on.

Memory is dynamic, active. Good memory is a state of the active mind.

Stay calm and relaxed. A relaxed mind helps memory. We remember and learn best with a relaxed mind. Recall the learned material with a relaxed mind. Forgot where you left your keys? If you relax your mind, and calmly backtrack, you will most likely remember where you put them down.

Keep an eye on depression. Depression can dampen the interest and happiness. If we are disinterested, or even bored it is much more difficult to remember events. When depression is addressed and is treated, memory usually returns to normal.

Use your favorite sense. Some folks remember what they see. Some learn and remember best by listening. For example if you are someone who remembers better what you hear, then listen to a book on tape, rather than reading it. Other need to see something and hear it, then write it down.

Use mnemonic tricks or devices. These are techniques you can use to help you improve your ability to remember something. They help us recall larger pieces of information, especially in the form of lists like characteristics, steps, stages, parts, phases, etc.

People who actively use their minds have better memory as they age. It's like exercise for the body. So how can we keep our brains going strong? By staying engaged and interested in the world around us. Keen interest reinforces the connections between neurons. Fun activities that make you think are also good. Go to a museum once a month, learn words in a new language, watch a documentary on a subject that fascinates you and yes do a crossword or sudoku puzzle.

Use your mind, keep it active because whatever you don't use, you lose!

How to triple your memory by using this trick | Ricardo Lieuw On
Do you recall studying for your exams? You probably do. But do you remember how you studied, how you memorized French words or the year of the American civil war? Now, that’s probably harder. As a teenager, Ricardo Lieuw On was packing groceries when he knew what he wanted to study: he wanted to learn about learning. He picked up a study in psychology and learned how to reduce his learning time from 3 hours to 1 hour on the same piece of content. He gained the same knowledge in 200% less time.
